Why a Living Futures newsletter?

Optimism is no-nonsense. Sound evidence, shared knowledge, and outcome-focused collaboration, liberate us to make the best possible world a reality. What, then, stands in the way of our getting it right?

  • Information access is at all-time highs, but information inequality is putting human rights and dignity—and democratic systems—at risk.

  • Disinformation threatens to block most people’s access to routine science-based understanding of reality, and that prevents best-case problem solving and makes all of us less secure.

  • Our industrial civilization is bursting through critical planetary boundaries, putting natural systems at risk, and undermining the viability of the very world we work every day to build. 

  • The high-stakes projects of COVID recovery, climate resilience, and nature-positive innovation, mean decisions of consequence will be made in this decisive decade that will affect the livability of our societies for generations to come.

As we wrote in the founding report on Principles for Reinventing Prosperity:

“Adaptive, inclusive, resilient prosperity is within reach, if we work to eliminate critical system failures.”

Living Futures will be a window onto the shifting sands, emerging ideas, and transformational tools we must use to reach that better way forward.

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About the Author

Joseph Robertson is:

From May 2013 through December 2018, he published “The Note”—a monthly essay on sustainable economics and open civics. The Note now continues here as the Living Futures newsletter.

Natural systems are inextricably intertwined with human systems. Our health and resilience depends on theirs.

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Executive Director, Climate Civics International (climatecivics.org); Chief Strategist, Climate Value Exchange (climatevalue.net); Founder, Geoversiv (Earthintel.org); Publisher, The Navigator (navigatornews.net)