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The 2022 Reinventing Prosperity Report highlights the value of decentralized value creation, capital that builds value in communities, and participatory design and tracking of climate-smart finance.
When the COVID pandemic disrupted lives and livelihoods across the world, Citizens' Climate International held regular consultations with our network of citizen stakeholders around the world. The result was a common understanding that multiple converging crises were going to cause deep and possibly permanent changes in the local experience of countless people.
Addressing fear, insecurity, and uncertainty, would require careful planning—not only around COVID safety and economic recovery, but also toward a future free from climate emergency, in which inclusive sustainable development was the mainstream norm. The search for a strategy for constructive, inclusive future-building led to the Principles for Reinventing Prosperity:
We are all future-builders.
Health is a fabric of wellbeing and value.
Resilience is a baseline imperative.
Leave no one behind.
Design to transcend crisis.
Maximize integrative value creation.
The 2022 Reinventing Prosperity Report focuses on a Capital to Communities approach to scaling up, mobilizing, and tracking the performance of climate-aligned sustainable finance. The report calls for:
decentralizing value creation;
investing in local economic empowerment that builds health for people and nature;
valuing and safeguarding human rights;
involving stakeholders in decisions about how to support climate-related transformation and investment;
expanding cooperative finance for healthy, sustainable food systems;
international cooperation through "non-market approaches" that enhance overall climate mobilization and resilience.
Read the full report at
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