CCI is now Climate Civics International
CCI will continue our existing work with volunteers and in high-level policy processes, and we will expand our scope to support engaged climate civics through other networks and in communities.
Climate Civics International is the new name of Citizens’ Climate International. CCI will continue the work we do with volunteer policy advocates around the world, providing education and coordination to their civic engagement efforts, and we will expand on CCI’s work in high-level intergovernmental policy negotiations.
The Climate Civics International mission starts from the recognition that you are a climate stakeholder. All people, and all living things, are climate stakeholders. You have a right to have a say in decisions that make your life safer or less safe.
We believe everyone’s chances of success, including governments and industry, are enhanced when the design of our world is shaped by the needs and aspirations of all people.
Our empowerment and advocacy efforts are built on these principles:
Rights — By virtue of existing, you are a climate stakeholder; you have a right to expect a healthy climate and a livable future.
Participation — Inclusive civics allows for participatory design, where outcomes are attuned to human need and sustainable wellbeing.
Efficacy — We support policies that drive clear, widespread, effective reductions in climate pollution, while building sustainable prosperity.
Integrity — We believe the best solutions are informed by science, and use evidence to plan responsibly — in line with rights, participation, and efficacy.
Our core program goals are oriented toward empowering people to build a world that works for everyone, free from climate disruption and with sustainable prosperity open to all.
Goal 1: Build and empower networks of climate civics advocates
Goal 2: Enhance climate diplomacy and international cooperation
Goal 3: Advance sustainable, just and inclusive, food systems
Goal 4: Accelerate decarbonization and resilience-building
We cannot solve the climate crisis without robust, informed, ongoing, cooperative civic engagement.
National governments need local communities to be engaged, informed, and acting, and local economies need international trade to be aligned with climate benefits.
Small businesses need to be able to translate science insights and leverage policy for better outcomes, affordably, so communities can set their own course for the future by prioritizing levers of action that work for them.
As economic, political, technological, and climate threats proliferate and compound each other’s effects, we can solve problems together through nonpartisan, no-nonsense civic engagement.
Climate Civics International aims to bring that opportunity to people and communities around the world. There is no reason the biggest decisions need to be in the hands of people far away; we can all lead locally, and we can bring local voices to national and international venues for climate-related decision-making.
Our logo
The Climate Civics International logo is an incomplete circle made up of five color bands. The shape vaguely evokes the letter C, suggesting both the climate and our civics-focused mission.
The bands of color give a sense of climate bands that circle the planet, though here they appear vertical instead of horizontal.
Because they change color from left to right, the color bands tell a story about a progression through time. As temperatures warm, our need for action grows. The deep green intervention changes the game, and things cool off.
The color bands also evoke the spectrum of challenges and responses that climate change entails, and they remind us that no climate conversation is complete unless diverse perspectives are included.
The blank space at the right suggests the future remains to be written. You are the missing piece, and this is why we invite you to get involved and shape your world.
The dark blue background evokes the deep ocean, as a reminder that the ocean comprises the majority of the climate system, and we cannot get this right without a healthy ocean.